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And This Is Where Trump Keeps Stepping On His Own Tongue. The Way He Wears His Success Is Destroying His Ability To Succeed.

Trump did many things right and brilliantly. Two things he didn’t get right. First, pushing at “warp speed” the disastrous covid vaccine rollout. He was duped by the left/swamp and was had by Pfizer in one fell swoop. Second, the personal attack comments he makes are truly idiotic. They are childish and unnecessary. They make him look petty and damage his cause and the party at large. His comments make him like a football receiver who catches a pass 20 yards past the last DB and then turns around to show off and taunt the DBs. He proceeds to trip over his own feet and fumbles just short of the goal line.

Just Learn To Shut Up! You have a walk in TD politically. A wide open layup. Yet you keep separating your shoulder patting yourself on the back.

I’ve coached for 30 years. And have coached champions. Go ahead and win. Act like an adult, like you’ve been there before. Good grief. The way you wear your success is destroying your ability to succeed.