You should take a hard look in the mirror. Cheney. Ryan. Romney. McCain. The list goes on. Seduced by compromise for popularity and power. An internal justification of action that is put on full display as righteous indignation amplified to a full roar by the federal press corp. A revealing of thought. An insurrection within the insurrectionists. All orchestrated, coordinated and coached for their own well-being, of course. Coercion by popularity is as dependable as dripping water cutting a river through a mountain valley. Over time, how could it not be right, righteous, the only path?
Question is, who is directing the water flow. How can people seem so corrupt, out of touch, inhuman, flawed with zero self-awareness? The water in the mountain valley. Over time, directed properly, you’ll have your river. Appearing as planned, on target and on message. Recognize the manipulated. They may not have started out that way. That fact makes them more useful. More dangerous.
Cheney? Her conscience has been broken for many years. As a result, so has her judgment.