We Need Speirs. We Have Dike. This scene from Band of Brothers is a re-enactment of the attack on the town of Foy in Belgium. And it’s true.
When dealing with an arrogant, bully mentality like the nazis, most of the time, hit them as hard as you can first punch. No apology. No second thought. In the nuts if possible.
The Biden administration is doing exactly the opposite. They’re acting like they’re in a French squabble with Iran, not quite to the dueling stage, while they think slapping each other with white gloves will provide a deterrent to their terrorist activities. Proportionate response is first of all weak and second of all a cover while the left in Washington seeks to not offend Iran for political purposes as Iran continues to kill and injure our military personnel in the region. Time to stop moving pawns on the chessboard. Use the queen. Close and trap the king. Out of the gate. MOAB anyone? Qasem Soleimani anyone? ISIS… anyone??!
Biden. Put your damn white gloves away.
It’s past time Iran got a good, hard, kick in the nuts. They seem to understand that part of the English language.
Send in Speirs. He’s waiting for orders.