Documents found their way? Really? Surely your trained audience isn’t buying this charade you call reporting the news.
Found their way? Duh yup Mr. Peabody. I’m pert near super sure these classified documents walked their little old selves right into this seriously unsecured location with traffic access to Chinese operatives.
Biden… put out your wrist… c’mon… be a man… or whatever… SLAPPY SLAPPY. OK. We’re good.
And NBC, without a shred of journalistic effort, parrots their directed talking points. The documents found their way. Yeah. Like my hand found its way to Grammy’s cookie jar.
NBC is well known for pretty much lying non-stop to protect Biden.
But good gracious. It takes some real dedication to crap out this BS. It’s called blocking. You publish a story that runs parallel with the story you are covering up. Your point is then the new truth, while the real truth stays in the basement or garage if you get my meaning.
Recognize the left’s music. This time it’s just a cover. A surprisingly pathetic cover.