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MSNBC. The View Level Bias.

I personally apologize if any of you are eating and this makes you choke. Hillary Clinton denigrating Tucker Carlson and having the host nod with her in righteous agreement isn’t just blind advocacy. It rises to the level of denial of reality.

Hillary smashed cell phones and bleach bitted hard drives, which were subpoenaed as evidence for an ongoing FBI investigation associated with her running classified emails through her personal server. In her bathroom. Which was hacked. Which caused many of our intel assets in China and Iran to be murdered. Did she do this? No. Obviously. Did she authorize it being done? Of course.

Me, don’t be so judgemental? This is years in jail, end of career level of corruption, and yet there she sits. Basking in the adoration of her barely not millennial age, giggling host. I could puke is being way too kind.

Whenever she talks, there is an expectation of political liarship expertise that she counts on her interviewer to agree with, in blinking, bubbly, fascination.

MSNBC is only a “news” organization to those who have thrown in the towel on thinking for themselves.

There is no music here to dance to. The mic dropped on this interview before it started.