Watch the left duck. On the one hand, they will line up for Biden’s protective deranged magic wand of “innocence.” On the other, much like everything Biden or as I call him, the puppeteers Pinocchio, has done, decreed or Ex O’d, there may well be enormous, long lasting negative consequences for the left.
Biden, by pardoning Hunter, has laid the groundwork for some very negative outcomes for the Democratic Party. Pardons in bulk will be long-term catastrophic.
By pardoning Hunter, he has literally done the work of a hundred congressional hearings in advance. So now Hunter, God bless him, can’t plead the Fifth if called back before Congress. If he won’t testify? Prison. If he lies? Prison. If he does testify truthfuĺy, he starts a domino avalanche. All the tentacles touching the many greased palms of the Biden corruption machine get intense sunlight with a hard rub of zero SPF cream.
So now those who are party to the past four years of unrestricted lying to Congress, ignoring subpeonas, I’ll not list them here, have to scramble. The only safe haven left? Pardons for them all. Should that occur, it is a 100% admission of guilt. All of the pardoned, newly innocent will have to testify without 5th amendment protections. Yeah, they may stay out of prison if they do testify and don’t lie, but the damage to the left will last at least a generation.
So pardoning en mass will more than likely be like topical cream on a bullet wound. The short-term breathing room of the newly innocent will boomerang into a historic political reckoning. The only ones left on the witness stand will have to, in no uncertain terms, declare, “dang. The emperor is stark naked.”
Spot on!
The roaches are already running for cover. Boomerang. Great visual.