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Biden/Obama 4.0. It Ain’t Over Yet Folks.

This bilge water bag of corrupt vomit has proven me wrong. I thought the election would about end the stupidity and destruction of our country from the left. Clearly, I have lowballed their “talent.” The opposite of the Midas Touch. Joe and the left have perfected the “let’s go Brandon” touch. Every decision, every move they make is displayed and sold with a big smile, cheers even. However, when you bite into their offerings, you quickly discover your mouth is full of the shovel muck from a horse barn at the end of a long, hot afternoon.

Ok. Ok. But the press at least will get a clue. Nope. I’m wrong again.

The left wing press cracks and breaks. Some, though very few, even run to the light of telling the truth while their audience numbers collapse. Most just dig in. Rinse and repeat to smaller numbers. The plants from the seeds of the hell they have been sowing are burning through their front doors.

They are literally trying to put out the flames with the same gasoline they used to ignite them.

The music they are now dancing to isn’t even pyrrhic. It is sadly pathetic. I battle feelings of joy watching it. And yet I want to watch to make sure the work of the flames is complete.