I miss her so…
My great friend died. I didn’t know how great a friend I had. It was sudden and unexpected.
Whenever I was losing my way I would always look to her. She was always there with logic, meaning, passion and faith in me. Her very core inspired me to always try my best. She was raised on can do, always faithful, being generous with her beauty.
I didn’t realize how much I loved her, how much a part of me she was. Now she is dead. Memories of her beauty bring so much pain. My heart goes to look for her for comfort and meaning and yet she is no longer there. Her ways of guiding me now dust. I only find a wall of confusion, trying to find my way, the next step to do the right thing.
I was free in her love. She liberated me with her wild freedom. She would call to me as I was chasing her, dream strong, there are no limits. When I did seem to fail she would kneel over me with her heavenly beauty and say c’mon, all is not lost, try again, I am still here.
A greater horror still, our children will never know her, her kindness, compassion, fiercely protective spirit and inspiring nature. She expected you to stand on your own two feet or you wouldn’t have her respect.
Worse yet, she was murdered. I remember the day, the moment. Hearing the news. Shock in waves rode me to a dark spin. It couldn’t be.
They were waiting on her. Wanting her beauty. Plotting for what seemed like years for the attack. They hadn’t earned her love or the right to look into her beauty. No, they took it. Over and over. Until she, even with her great strength and love took her last breath. Their patience unnatural. Their mission complete.
There will be songs sung in her memory, books written by those she inspired. There will never be another like her. Know her. Remember her. Mourn her loss. If you didn’t know her, alas you are too late.
I will always be grateful for the years we had together. I will always wear the guilt that I didn’t do enough to defend her.