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War Room — @WarRoom
Home of @SteveBannon - America's #1 Political Podcast | WATCH HERE: 10AM-12PM ET MON-SAT & 5-6PM ET MON-FRI | WarRoom Battleground 6-7PM ET MON-FRI
Steve Bannon @SteveBannon
Host of @WarRoom Pandemic; CEO 2016 Trump Campaign; White House Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to the 45th President;
Bill Hamilton @Corp4Media
Corporation 4 Media Integrity. Author: Media MedEvac - The Champion's Brain George Mason University: Government and Politics / Economics / Advocacy Journalism
Jack Posobiec @JackPosobiec
Host, @HumanEvents Daily. Veteran Navy intel. Communism disrespecter.
Ben Bergquam @benbergquam
Frontline America -Real America’s Voice News
Dr. R. W. Malone MD @rwmalonemd
As the inventor of mRNA vaccine platform and RNA as a drug, I have issues with these mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Physician. Reformed academic. Writer/Speaker.
Dr. Naomi R. Wolf @DrNaomiRWolf
DPhil, Victorian Poetry. Co-Founder/CEO, DailyClout. Author, Nonfiction Bestseller The Bodies of Others. Deplatformed five times and still right.
Steve Cortes @steve
American. Patriotic Populist. Bad Hombre. Born for a Storm…
Mike Davis @mrddmia
@Article3Project * @The_IAP * @UnsilencedOrg | FORMER: Chief Counsel for Nominations, Senate Judiciary Chairman @ChuckGrassley * Law Clerk, Justice Gorsuch
Royce White @roycewhite
You cannot have freedom without self-governance. You cannot have self-governance without sacred honor and faith. #Godspeed
Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll
An independent electronic media company specializing in the collection & publication of public opinion info since 2003.
The Article III Project (A3P) @Article3Project
We support constitutionalist judges, fight radical assaults on judicial independence, oppose nominees outside of mainstream.
Project Veritas @Project_Veritas
Sign up for our dedicated distribution list on our website. Send us tips/become an insider. Secure contact:
Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11
Founder & President, Turning Point USA •Host, The Charlie Kirk Show •Author, ‘The MAGA Doctrine’
Dr. Gina - RAV @RealDrGina
Anchor & Pres. Programming, @RealAmVoice RAV
Matt Margolis @MattMargolis
Bestselling author. Columnist for @PJMedia. Writer of @MargolisandCox editorial cartoons. Coffee drinker. Banned from Twitter.
Revolver News @RevolverNews
The homepage of the American people.
Rep. Matt Gaetz @RepMattGaetz
Official GETTR for Congressman Matt Gaetz. Proud conservative. First District of Florida.
Kari Lake for AZ Governor @karilake
Official GETTR Account for Trump-Endorsed Candidate for Arizona Governor.
Blake Masters @bgmasters
Running for the U.S. Senate in Arizona
Real America's Voice (RAV) @RealAmVoice
Delivering news programs & live-event coverage that captures the authentic voice & passion of real people all across America.
Libs of Tik Tok @Libsoftiktok
Bringing you news you won’t see anywhere else + best of Tik Tok!
Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer
Investigative Journalist, Fmr Project Veritas, AMERICA FIRST Republican Congressional Candidate in Florida’s 11th District Most Banned Woman In The World
Dr. Ben Carson @BenSCarson
17th Secretary of HUD, retired Neurosurgeon
Dr. Andrew Huff @AGHuff
Former EcoHealth Alliance VP and Whistle Blower Army Infantry Combat Veteran Scientist Entrepreneur
Mike Pompeo @mikepompeo
Former U.S. SecState, CIA Director. Christian, husband, father, Army vet, Kansan & proud American @CAVPAC Chair | Text "CHAMPION" to 29910
Hodge Twins @hodgetwins
Comedians, Conservatives Podcast links:
One America News @OANN
Your nation. Your news. #OANN
Russ Vought @RussVought
President, Center for Renewing America
Christina Bobb @ChristinaBobb
Attorney for President Trump at Save America. Outspoken freedom lover. US Marine. Dog lover.
Julie Kelly @julie_kelly
Senior contributor, American Greatness.
Terry Schilling @Schilling1776
Katie's husband. President, APP Foundation. Board member @cpac
Dana Loesch @DLoesch
Word to your moms I came to drop bombs. @DanaRadio heard coast-to-coast 12-3pET M-F. Bestselling author. Hates commies.
Enes Kanter FREEDOM @EnesFreedom
The Blaze @theblaze
News and entertainment for people who love America
Joe Rogan @joerogan
Stand up comic/mixed martial arts fanatic/psychedelic adventurer Host of The Joe Rogan Experience #FreakParty
Liberty Links. Stay Informed. Stay Connected.
Alternative/Freedom of speech oriented Social Media
In our opinion Twitter is making a huge comeback. We will support Musk's efforts to bring back a stable, free-speech environment there. Though not perfect, we are in support of the effort.