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CNN Setting New Standards For Pathetic.

It pains me, really. I watch CNN and CBS News very sparingly. It is scary pathetic with a capital SCAM.

A CNN commentator yesterday blamed the Canadian Delta crash on President Trump. The CBS host said free speech helped Hitler gain power. Like free speech is now bad because Germany is arresting people for hurting other people’s feelings? And that’s a good thing? 

The next headline is a non-stop from the DNC press corp. Not only is it ineffective pejorative messaging, it’s actually making the case for their target.

See what a hypocritical booger-face Trump is?

The Left is caught in an out of control self-flushing toilet. The intricacies of their lie woven advocacy programming are resulting in logic-empty shrieking. The flush of defeat has removed any semblance of an attempt at truth. They are like announcers interviewing themselves as they fall from the building they just jumped off of. It’s tragic. It’s sad. It’s truly a demonstration of the brain damage brought on by years of life by emotion meeting the reality of facts arriving loud enough to finally be heard. Their entire day is running from hole to hole in their dike library sticking a finger in here, then there, then, holy shamoly. The whole dike is collapsing.

The music they are now playing for you to dance to is simply the soundtrack of a train crash in slow motion. Thankfully, people are figuring it out. They can just stay off the tracks.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Weren’t those 4 days a long holiday weekend? Monday was a federal holiday for ALL federal workers, not just the President.

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