This is the liberal version of the boiling frog. They gave an inch to trans rights to firmly establish another victim class. For what purpose again? To frame conservatives as bigots and not “cool” Bible thumping haters.
Oops. That’s not going well. Not only are men superior to women, men are superior women? And the left is trapped defending this fact. It’s sadly hilarious.
What’s the boiling frog got to do with this?
Women’s rights advocacy groups have been slowly transformed by the left into being required to defend their own destruction and uselessness. It started when women’s rights turned into gay rights. Then gay marriage. Then trans acceptance. Oh, the irony. It is currently required by the left that women’s rights groups defend trans everything.
The National Organization of Woman has been so transed by their leadership that they are literally championing men being better women.. than women. Their defense of women’s rights have become, pardon the further irony, impotent.
This is official trans policy. “We assert the rights of all LGBTQIA+ individuals to live their lives with dignity, security, and marriage equality for all. NOW advocates for all women, including trans women, to have equitable treatment in the courts, in the workforce, in healthcare, and in our communities.”
Gender dysphoria or confusion has conveniently been taken out of mental hospitals and counseling centers and has been made into a mainstream victim class. Guess what, women on the left, you have no choice (more irony) or you’re out. We have decided to use trans to further brand the right as hateful bigots and all women must comply.
So NOW? Enjoy your second class status. You’re being duped. You know it and there is nothing you can or are willing to do about it.
The greatest irony of all. President Trump will be the savior of the women’s equality movement. That’s women, without a T.