Corporation For Media Integrity – Un-Slanting The News 4 You.
Corporation For Media Integrity – Un-Slanting The News 4 You.
Like Cattle On An Old Open Range Ranch Out West. Your Brain. Their Brand.
This is actually amazing. I’m having to cherrypick from the flood of manipulative, ridiculous headlines. The left. Truly, the deluded sludge of our “educated” elite class isn’t going quietly. They’re better than you. Remember? Well, they sure do. They view you as cattle sporting their brand. They keep circling you with their horsemen to keep you in line. Their whip? Their headlines.
Below the following headline pictures, I’m in short form pointing out their craft. They’re pretty good. Gotta tell it like it is. I’m better.
The Left is trying to Trump/Musk Mel Gibson. Why? Like President Trump (orange man bad) and Elon Musk, Mel has left the reservation. He voted for President Trump. This headline taking a positive, “No. 1 at the box office,” and putting a negative spin on it. Keywords, turbulence, managed and modest.Assumptive close. Trump is conducting a retribution war. The CBS sales job pejorative. Wife. 11th anniversary. Trying to get citizenship. “They snatched her.” CBS painting victim on their “victim” before presentation of the real facts about their victim. NBC who benefits and is controlled by big centralized government spending selling you on more needless DOD contractor spending. It’s like covid fear, get the vax type headlines. Russia fear. Give more money to Ukraine to defend FREEDOM!! When in fact, Ukraine takes our money to buy Ukraine more stuff from our contractors.“Intimidation to stamp his power.” Intimidation is a negative personality trait that goes along with their Trump is power hungry branding. Tense standoff. Conflict ensued. It took….6 minutes. The bottom headline under the picture. Your TDS message.
CBS knows. Guess what? There hasn’t been one charge or conviction of insurrection. Lie to narrative creation and support.
They are like a zoo full of monkeys in a panic, throwing pizza after pizza onto the wall. If you’re not one of the monkeys… Wow. The left/media is pushing forward even though we now sit and sadly watch the “man behind the curtain” frantically trying to keep invisible and afloat. He in fact is drowning right before our eyes. Stark naked.