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Mask Marketing For Your Favorite Gang

Being aware of the jig the left is playing for you to dance to. It is eye opening, insulting and dangerous. All abortions are rape, incest or saving the mother. Any thunderstorm, high wind, record high, record low is global, cooling, no, ozone, we’ve hit it now!! Climate change!
And maybe one of the biggest mask marketing efforts is calling gang wars, that are ignored in every major city, democrat led city, a mass shooting/murder event like Columbine. I call it “mask marketing”. Throwing a lie over the truth to use the truth to perpetuate their lie to produce the desired manipulated message. They’re pretty good at it.

So, voila… They use the results of their inept policies as justification to push for their holy grail, gun confiscation.

Recognize their music. Don’t dance to it.