From the article linked with the picture below. MLB star, Jonathon Lucroy, describes the mob mentality the left uses to silence dissent for their accepted messaging. He has a surprising message about reality vs the public perception created by mob branding.
“I am not politically correct,” he said. “When I say that 90+% of American-born MLB players are conservative, you can take that to the bank. We just don’t speak up as much because we are told to be neutral. I will not remain neutral anymore.”
When you see a public figure being burned at the stake of the social media onslaught, remember, the minority opinion mob for a long time held the high ground with mainstream media, political overlords and social media cancel culture aided by the DOJ and FBI. The hard left made their minority opinion seem like a loud majority. This is a new day. Hats off to those who stand strong against the tidal wave of this oppressive manipulation. Common sense is making a comeback. Truth is getting a voice once again. To quote a great American hero on 9/11/2001, let’s roll.