When I saw this, I was disgusted. Chris Kuehne and his family ruined to make a political point. Oppose us? Question us? You will pay. And pay they did. With the life of their to be born child. Chris’ wife, Annette, led out the front door. In freezing temperatures. Holding her four year old son. FBI jack boots in full combat gear rushing past her, horrifying her and her four year old as they went in to arrest her Marine husband. He had done nothing. Detailed in the video below.
The next day, Annette Kuehne has a miscarriage.
No warning. No rights read. No IDs are shown. The orders. From Biden. To the DOJ. Who then gave orders to the DNC police force, the FBI. Watch this six minute video. Share this everywhere you can. I understated that the DOJ and FBI need an over haul. They need to be gutted. Some should go to jail.