I can almost appreciate the stones it takes to be that condescendingly arrogant to first of all plan and pull off an op of this magnitude. Second, the 100% lack of journalistic ethics it takes to be a willing communications asset of a political party controlling the government agency you are writing about is, and this word fails the proper description by a 1000%, staggering.

Where is the leg work by ABC? None. Where is their undercover work to get the story? This about sums it up. “Here, Doinkle-shorts, report this,” says the FBI. “Oh goodie, goodie,” says ABC.
What’s even more pathetic than this cover-up and collusion is that there is still any part of the public left, and I repeat, left, that believes any of this BS.
Anyway, heading back to check on my hen-house. The fox just told me they are running out of barbecue sauce.
Recognize their music. Particularly when it’s an ongoing symphony.
And the 26 undercover agents were a figment of their imagination.