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US Missiles Hitting Inside Russia? It’s Way More Complicated. Jeffery Sachs. Excellent Summary.

This summary is spot on. I’ve spoken directly to some Ukrainians and some Russian- Ukrainians. In short, the “Ukranian” oligarchs treated the Russians in eastern sectors of Ukraine like dirt. They were begging Russia to save them. That is why you still see independent polls showing Putin with majority support in Russia. Somewhere consistently north of 80%. In reality, Putin is a strong Russian mafia Don. He feeds and supports his supporting oligarchs. The Ukrainian oligarchs are laughing at us. All the way to the bank. Putin isn’t Hitler. And limp shorts supposedly allows US missiles to be used for deep hits in Mother Russia? It isn’t Biden. Sachs hits it 90% with the observable moves. There is another 10 percent of oligarch, twitchy bullshit. Including our defense contractors.